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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
The report, a novel-length and heavily footnoted volume called “No Going Back,” is part academic treatise and part manifesto, painting a dark picture of racial and economic inequity and recommending a sweeping overhaul of the systems that it holds responsible. The report’s conclusions rest on research by Manuel Pastor, director of the USC Equity Research Institute,…
Read More | September 28, 2020
Biden’s team dismisses most of the public polling, saying English-language polls aren’t as reliable a gauge. “Their methodology is flawed because they all under-sample Hispanics,” said Matt Barreto, who polls for Biden and founded the group, Latino Decisions. “You can’t really draw valid conclusions from them.”
A recent report by UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is posted on the Youth Today website. The report authors include UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute Sonja Diaz, Adriana Bernal, Julie Aguilar, and Maria Morales.
“Humanitarian relief volunteers are responding to the dangers that people face when they make the decision to seek a better life in this country and are often confined to providing free water, food and first aid supplies,” said Chris Zepeda-Millan, who also is a member of the Latino Policy and Politics Institute. “Our survey showed that an…
Dr. David Hayes-Bautista maintains that despite the recent calamities, California continues to be the fifth-largest economic power in the world and a major contributor to the national public treasury, and this is largely due to the contribution of Latino workers.
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