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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
And in cities where Black voters broke hard for Mr. Biden, Latinos helped expand the margins, going 75 percent for him in Philadelphia, 77 percent in Milwaukee and 75 percent in Gwinnett County, Ga., according to exit polling from U.C.L.A.’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute.
Read More | November 20, 2020
An October survey of Latino voters in Arizona, Florida, Nevada and Texas by the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute found that key issues for Latino voters were increasing the minimum wage, expanding health insurance and improving workplace safety.
Both Orfield and Patricia Gandara, a research professor of education, brought up financial difficulties as a factor that may hinder the completion of a UC degree. “I know particularly for Latino students, this is often an issue of having to take a job alongside school, which slows people down and keeps them from graduating,” Gandara said.
“It’s important to contrast what is available for public consumption versus what we know as social scientists,” said Efrén Pérez. “A lot of the divisiveness is really among the elites in the parties. There is an enormous sea of individuals for whom politics is kind of a colorful sideshow, they only sporadically interact with it.”
“In California, for example, when you sign your ballot it has to match your voter registration, and for some voters, especially younger voters, your signature can change a lot,” Sonni Waknin said. “That’s a barrier because you might have younger voters getting flagged more often for a signature mismatch and (they) might not be able to be…
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