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New Date: Understanding Afro-Latinx Experiences through Data Disaggregation

Event Date Sep 03, 2024

New Date: Understanding Afro-Latinx Experiences through Data Disaggregation

OMB recently announced the adoption of a single-question format to ask about race and ethnicity in future federal data collection instruments such as the Census. This decision will remove the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity question and allow survey takers to identify their race as Latino alone, possibly risking the ability to accurately disaggregate federal data for Latinos of different races, particularly Afro-Latinxs. Afro-Latinxs often face unique educational, health, and economic disparities that are obscured when data does not distinguish between different Latino racial groups

Webinar: Unlocking Insights for Equitable Change

Event Date Apr 17, 2024

Webinar: Unlocking Insights for Equitable Change

In a world where reliable data is key to shaping policies and fostering inclusive growth, the absence of comprehensive data on communities of color poses a critical challenge. As we navigate the complex aftermath of COVID-19, rising wealth inequality, environmental crises, and threats to democracy, understanding ethnic/racial, economic, and other disparities is essential for effective decision-making.

Latina Futures: Transforming the Nation Through Law & Policy

Event Date Jan 20, 2024

Latina Futures: Transforming the Nation Through Law & Policy

Latina Futures: Transforming the Nation Through Law & Policy is a one-and-a-half-day symposium at the world-class UCLA Luskin Conference Center featuring prominent Latina scholars, attorneys, policy leaders, and law students from across the country to foster a multi-generational leadership pipeline that spotlights today’s 21st-century legal challenges and opportunities with a Latina lens.

Ensuring Medi-Cal Expansion Access for Undocumented Adults in California

Event Date Nov 16, 2023

Ensuring Medi-Cal Expansion Access for Undocumented Adults in California

Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute and The California Endowment on Thursday, November 16th, for a webinar to discuss the challenges undocumented adults in California face in accessing health care. The panel will focus on recent research from UCLA LPPI that highlights continued barriers to health care access for immigrants, despite the state’s Medi-Cal expansion efforts.

Introducción al Latino Data Hub

Event Date Nov 14, 2023

Introducción al Latino Data Hub

El Latino Data Hub de UCLA LPPI no es solo otra plataforma de datos más; es una innovadora herramienta digital que cambia la forma en la que entendemos y apoyamos a las comunidades latinas. Este taller virtual te enseñará cómo esta herramienta puede ayudarte si eres un organizador comunitario, legislador, funcionario de gobierno, investigador, defensor de derechos o simplemente alguien que quiere crear un mejor futuro para los latinos en los Estados Unidos.

Introduction to the Latino Data Hub

Event Date Nov 09, 2023

Introduction to the Latino Data Hub

The Latino Data Hub is not just another data source; it’s a game-changer in how we understand and support Latinos. This webinar will show you how this transformative tool can benefit you, whether you’re a community organizer, policymaker, researcher, advocate, or simply someone who cares about creating a brighter future for Latinos in the United States.

Latinas in the Fight for Reproductive Rights

Event Date Aug 31, 2022

Latinas in the Fight for Reproductive Rights

Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) on Wednesday, August 31 for a webinar event discussing the continued attacks on reproductive freedoms and the important role of Latinas in the fight to advance reproductive justice and the right to self-determination.

Looking Ahead, The Politics of Florida and the 2022 Midterm Elections

Event Date Apr 19, 2022

Looking Ahead, The Politics of Florida and the 2022 Midterm Elections

Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute and the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program on Tuesday, April 19 to discuss the 2022 midterm election Latino candidates in Florida, their platforms, their electoral base, the issues taking center stage during the race, and what political news in Florida has national implications for the rest of the country.  

Unionization and The Future of COVID Recovery

Event Date Oct 12, 2021

Unionization and The Future of COVID Recovery

Join the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement for a conversation with national labor and political leaders to discuss how unionization and protecting the right to organize can support COVID-19 economic recovery efforts and improve opportunities for the nation’s diverse Latino communities.

Telling the Latino Story

Event Date Jul 28, 2021

Telling the Latino Story

Join the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute for a panel discussion with the journalist who are keeping a spotlight on the Latino experience and on why it matters for the future of the nation.

Crafting a 21st Century Voting Rights Act

Event Date Nov 06, 2020

Crafting a 21st Century Voting Rights Act

Join voting rights practitioners, expert witnesses, and legal scholars from around the country for sessions to workshop the substantial and procedural pathways to protecting the right to vote during the 21st century.

The (In)visible Victims of Disaster

Event Date Sep 16, 2020

The (In)visible Victims of Disaster

UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) hosted a webinar that explored how undocumented immigrants are particularly vulnerable to disasters and require special consideration in emergency planning and relief efforts.

Shaping a 21st Century Latino Agenda

Event Date Jul 15, 2020

Shaping a 21st Century Latino Agenda

In line with LPPI’s mission, this convening will craft a 2020 Latino Agenda that speaks to the needs of vulnerable communities of color and addresses the spectrum of policy areas that directly impact the health and safety, political voice, and economic opportunity of Latinos and other similarly-situated communities of color.

2018 California Legislature

Event Date May 29, 2020

2018 California Legislature

LPPI and the California Latino Legislative Caucus co-hosted a briefing where key leaders and scholars shared solutions to address the issues facing the Latino community.

Addressing the Latino Physician Shortage

Event Date May 28, 2020

Addressing the Latino Physician Shortage

UC faculty presented evidence on addressing California’s Latino physician workforce shortage. Cal-IHEA and LPPI aim to facilitate productive discussion about policies and solutions to address the Latino physician shortage and support Latino physicians currently in medical practice.

Luskin Summit 5: Protecting Democracy: Implementing Equal and Safe Access to the Ballot Box During a Global Pandemic

Event Date Apr 30, 2020

Luskin Summit 5: Protecting Democracy: Implementing Equal and Safe Access to the Ballot Box During a Global Pandemic

Summary: Representatives from the Voting Rights Project and the Latino Policy and Politics Institute at UCLA Luskin will talk about the importance of vote-by-mail programs during the November general election amid the coronavirus pandemic. As the ongoing public health crisis raises concerns about voter turnout, particularly in underserved communities and for voters of color, how…

Demography, Redistricting and Power

Event Date May 31, 2019

Demography, Redistricting and Power

LPPI and UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs co-hosted the symposium, “Demography, Redistricting and Power,” where leaders and scholars convened to discuss the growing electoral power of Latinos.

Luskin Lecture Series: Power Shift

Event Date May 14, 2019

Luskin Lecture Series: Power Shift

LPPI welcomed prominent Latino leaders for a conversation on how to increase Latino representation at all levels of government amid the changing demographics of the US.

Luskin Summit 2019: Liveable LA

Event Date Apr 24, 2019

Luskin Summit 2019: Liveable LA

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs hosted a conference to discuss the importance of unity and organizing among the Latino community.

2018 Midterm Elections & the Latino Vote

Event Date Nov 14, 2018

2018 Midterm Elections & the Latino Vote

LPPI and the Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program co-hosted an event highlighting the importance of the Latino electorate in 2018 and future elections.

2019 California Legislature

Event Date Jan 01, 1970

2019 California Legislature

In 2019, LPPI and the California Latino Legislative Caucus co-hosted a briefing where key leaders and scholars shared solutions to address the issues facing the Latino community.

Criminal Justice Reform: National Latinx Strategy Workshop

Event Date Mar 10, 2025

Criminal Justice Reform: National Latinx Strategy Workshop

Advocates of criminal justice reform came together to discuss solutions to the overrepresentation of Latinos within the criminal system during the LatinoJustice and LPPI’s Criminal Justice Reform: National Latinx Strategy Workshop.

LPPI Launch Event

Event Date Dec 06, 2017

LPPI Launch Event

The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (LPPI) held their Launch Event featuring keynote speaker Kevin de Léon, speaker of the California Senate.