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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
Cecilia Menjívar, a professor of sociology at UCLA points out that the conversation around “root causes of migration” often ignores the key role the United States has historically played in creating and perpetuating some of these very drivers of migration it now is attempting to mitigate. “You can’t leave that part out,” she says.
Read More | April 9, 2021
“All of these voter suppression bills are coming at a time, and in jurisdictions, where we saw growth in the electorate, particularly amongst Latino voters,” says Sonja Diaz.
“What was astounding was that in every age group, the Latino death rate was multiple times higher than white – multiple,” said David Hayes-Bautista, UCLA professor of public health and medicine and lead author of the study. The death disparities, he said, have “shown a glaring spotlight” on a long history of barriers to health care.
Cecilia Menjivar of UCLA says, “It amounts to a social death in many ways” on the precarious immigration status of many TPS recipients.
“The vast majority of California’s bilingual programs were gutted. That whole generation had minimal, fig-leaf bilingual education,” said Otto Santa Ana, a professor emeritus of Chicano/a studies at UCLA.
Read More | April 8, 2021
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