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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
L.A. schools Supt. Austin Beutner and LPPI expert Pedro Noguera discuss the upcoming experimental effort to show that L.A. Unified schools can boost student achievement if properly funded.
Read More | May 29, 2020
LPPI expert Cecilia Menjívar calls for the need to replace “social distancing” with the more precise phrase, “physical distancing” in an effort to decreased the chances of doing unintentional harm.
LPPI policy fellows Bryanna Ruiz and Amado Castillo wrote an article covering the UCLA Center for the Study of Women 30th Annual Graduate Student Thinking Gender Conference, honoring Women’s History Month.
LPPI Co-founder Matt Barreto and past LPPI fellow Tyler Reny wrote an article covering the impacts that racist rhetoric, specifically leaders’ anti-Asian and xenophobic rhetoric, amid the Coronavirus pandemic have had on Asian communities and the increase anxieties it has caused.
It’s a situation that’s become “just like a time bomb,” says LPPI expert Arturo Vargas Bustamante of Mexico’s healthcare system.
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