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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
The second report of the Economic Recovery & Entrepreneurship Project (TEREP) provides insights on ethnic small business owners’ access to capital, use of digital technology and environmental sustainability practices, and experience of the impacts of COVID-19 and climate change on their enterprises.Â
Read More | November 14, 2023
The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) has launched The Economic Recovery & Entrepreneurship Project (TEREP), a new research portfolio focusing on ethnic entrepreneurship in California, Texas, and Arizona. The first report, which focuses on California, was published today. It provides insights on ethnic small business owners’ access to capital, use of digital technology and environmental sustainability practices, and experiences with COVID-19 and climate change.Â
Read More | November 3, 2023
El Latino Data Hub de UCLA LPPI no es solo otra plataforma de datos más; es una innovadora herramienta digital que cambia la forma en la que entendemos y apoyamos a las comunidades latinas. Este taller virtual te enseñará cómo esta herramienta puede ayudarte si eres un organizador comunitario, legislador, funcionario de gobierno, investigador, defensor de derechos o simplemente alguien que quiere crear un mejor futuro para los latinos en los Estados Unidos.
Read More | November 1, 2023
The Latino Data Hub is not just another data source; it’s a game-changer in how we understand and support Latinos. This webinar will show you how this transformative tool can benefit you, whether you’re a community organizer, policymaker, researcher, advocate, or simply someone who cares about creating a brighter future for Latinos in the United States.
Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute and The California Endowment on Thursday, November 16th, for a webinar to discuss the challenges undocumented adults in California face in accessing health care. The panel will focus on recent research from UCLA LPPI that highlights continued barriers to health care access for immigrants, despite the state’s Medi-Cal expansion efforts.
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