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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
Social science researchers Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, UCLA, and PhD. Dan Hamilton and Matthew Fienup of California Lutheran University are the authors of this study called the “2021 Latino GDP State Report.” Based on previous analysis of statewide estimates of the total economic contribution of Latinos living in the United States, they identify 8 states that…
Read More | September 29, 2021
“En Los Ángeles, el 83% de los latinos votó contra la destitución; en el condado de Orange fue el 81%; en San Diego, el 80%, y en Ventura, el 82%”, dijo Sonja Diaz, directora fundadora de la Iniciativa de Políticas y Pólizas Públicas (LPPI) de UCLA durante la videoconferencia “El papel decisivo de los votantes…
Read More | September 26, 2021
Meanwhile, in reliably Democratic counties like Los Angeles and San Francisco, 84% and 82% of Latino voters rejected the recall, according to the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute. Latino voters’ decisive role in the recall results show that ahead of the 2022 midterms, candidates in the state would do well to center Latinos in…
Read More | September 25, 2021
“Those people stormed the Capitol because they believed the election was fraudulent when it was not,” said Matt A. Barreto, a professor of political science at the University of California, Los Angeles, and faculty director of the Voting Rights Project. “And had we had leaders who just accepted the results and encouraged their team to…
Read More | September 24, 2021
Professor Chon Noriega, who was not involved in the study and is the former director of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, cautioned that the GAO figures could leave a rosier impression than the reality of where Latinos stand in the media. Significantly, the GAO did not delineate between jobs in English or mainstream-targeted media…
Read More | September 22, 2021
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