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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
“It’s not like it’s Baby Boomers that are Latinos and Asian Americans moving from another state to California. These are people born and bred in this state and they are aging into the electorate,” said Sonja Diaz, founding director of the Latino Policy & Politics Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Read More | September 11, 2021
The data was released and discussed during an event featuring President of Bank of America New Jersey Alberto Garofalo, President of Bank of America Greater Philadelphia Jim Dever and David Hayes-Bautista of UCLA. The report provides detailed analysis of the state-level Latino GDPs for the eight key states, benchmarked against the broader U.S. Latino GDP.
Read More | September 9, 2021
In September 2018, Pedro Noguera, professor emeritus from UCLA, testified before the New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committee about equity in schools and remarked that – as we all know – students who participate in athletics or performing arts in their schools have better outcomes than students who do not.
Read More | September 7, 2021
Pero la mayoría de las encuestas estatales muestran que Elder realiza las encuestas como un típico candidato republicano: es menos popular entre los votantes latinos, negros y asiáticos que entre los blancos. Eso no sorprende a Matt Barreto, fundador de Latino Policy and Politics Institute de UCLA. “Si Larry Elder hubiera presentado un mensaje de…
The freeway scheme of “Roger Rabbit” is based on what really happened in Los Angeles, which, at that time, was deeply segregated via redlining and exclusionary white neighborhoods. When L.A. built its freeways, they gutted multiple neighborhoods occupied primarily by people of color. This was a stated goal of urban planners’ design, according to UCLA…
Read More | September 6, 2021
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