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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
Daylong event focuses on impact of bias and stereotyping within the legal system on outcomes for Latinos
Read More | May 29, 2020
“immigration control and mass incarceration emerged as the systems of social control that frame alienated citizens and criminalized immigrants as a racialized caste of outsiders in the United States today,” says LPPI expert Kelly Lytle Hernandez about the prison system in the US.
The following press release summarizes the key findings found in a recent report by LPPI, “The Power of the New Majority: A 10 State Analysis of Voters of Color in the 2020 Election,” and the impact that voters of color will have in the upcoming 2020 elections. 10 State Analysis Press Release
The UCLA Voting Rights Project released a report urging elected officials to implement a universal vote-by-mail program for voters planning to participate in the upcoming elections, this press release summarizes the recommendations made in the report. UCLA VRP Vote by Mail
This press release summarizes the key findings in the recent report released by UCLA Voting Rights Poject, “Debunking the Myth of Voter Fraud in Mail Ballots,” a report addressing the myths surrounding vote-by-mail programs. Voter Fraud Press Release
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