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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
“Latino and people of color basically do the scut work that keep the state going, its economy going, but get very little of the resources,” says Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
Read More | July 27, 2020
A recent study completed by Voting Rights Lab, Union of Concerned Scientists, and UCLA Voting Rights Project concluded that eliminating congestion on Election Day through providing multiple methods for voters to cast their ballot will lead to safer and more accessible elections.
A joint report by the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute and the UCLA Health Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture highlights the struggles of safety net providers to build telehealth platforms. For most, their biggest hurdle is securing the financial backing to set-up their infrastructure.
But during a panel on Black and brown social movements, hosted by UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute on Wednesday, Bass told POLITICO that there is no such policy.
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