These injustices have gone unseen by many Angelenos. “Moving through the city now on a freeway, you’re essentially removed from any kind of contact with people, you’re totally isolated in your car, and you’re also isolated on the platform of the freeway, so you lose any kind of sense of where you’re at, of what communities you’re going through, and you lose a sense of the rich and full diversity of the city,” UCLA Professor Eric Avila says.
Diversity & Inclusion
Why L.A.’s Freeways Are Symbolic Sites of Protest
These injustices have gone unseen by many Angelenos. “Moving through the city now on a freeway, you’re essentially removed from any kind of contact with people, you’re totally isolated in your car, and you’re also isolated on the platform of the freeway, so you lose any kind of sense of where you’re at, of what…