Through data science and rigorous research, UCLA LPPI shines a spotlight on the policy issues that matter most to Latinos and other communities of color.

Research Library
Our research library provides access to our original research, policy reports, and other assets to expand the understanding and attention to Latino issues.
Featured Projects & Reports

A Mosaic, Not a Monolith: A Profile of the U.S. Latino Population, 2000-2020

Centering Black Latinidad: A Profile of the U.S. Afro-Latinx Population and Complex Inequalities

Differential Rights: How Abortion Bans Impact Latinas in Their Childbearing Years
Funding Principles
The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute’s (UCLA LPPI) core mission is to spotlight policy reforms that expand genuine opportunity for all Americans through data and facts. We do this through Latino-centered policy analysis and research that is accessible to the public, informs policy debates, and sheds light on evidence-based reforms that state and local governments can implement to strengthen the economy and our democracy.
To further this mission, we receive generous support from philanthropic and government partners. LPPI consistently avoids any conflicts of interest between its funding and its mission. In our work with funding partners, UCLA LPPI is committed to the following principles:

Scholarly independence
Independence is critical to our ability to be a trusted research and public policy organization. UCLA LPPI’s research is independent from funders. Our funders do not influence or determine research framing, findings, or the evidence-based policy recommendations that accompany our independent analysis. UCLA LPPI welcomes the external review of our work by other academic experts and civil society leaders to enhance research quality. In very limited circumstances, research process engagement from civil society and 501c3 funders may occur when it presents an opportunity for centering racial equity in the research process. To protect the integrity of our researchers and experts, UCLA LPPI will not withhold the results of our research because they contradict a funder’s expectations, hypotheses, political positions, or goals.

Retention of intellectual property rights
UCLA LPPI retains all intellectual property rights to our research. This enables the widespread dissemination of data and insights for public use and elongates the communications window to include new formats including essays, interactive features, data visualizations, blog posts, op-eds, media interviews, and public presentations. In some instances, UCLA LPPI may grant our funders reproduction and distribution rights for research products in accordance with University of California policy on research publication and dissemination protocols.

Broad dissemination of our research findings
UCLA LPPI’s core function as an applied research institute is designed to inform evidence-based policy and improve governance. UCLA LPPI strives to disseminate the findings and insights from our work widely across a diverse array of channels for widespread public consumption. Our communications and dissemination activities are wholly independent and tailored to elevate research products to inform real-time policy debates.

Transparency and accountability
UCLA LPPI commits to funding transparency, including appropriate financial disclosures through our annual reports and across specific research products. All financial contributions associated with particular research products will be publicly acknowledged in written form in the acknowledgments section of each report, where applicable. Further, other research products, including convenings, webinars, and policy conferences that were made possible by our generous donors, will bear appropriate attributions on event collateral. In some limited circumstances, UCLA LPPI will consider granting anonymity to funders so long as research integrity remains wholly intact.

Integrity of the Institute
UCLA LPPI reserves the right to reject or return support from any donor or funder at any time. UCLA LPPI takes seriously its commitment to evidence-based policy and governance as an applied research institute. Our reputation and independence are paramount to the soundness of our research products and viability as a research organization.
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