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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
David Hayes-Bautista, a professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine and director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, said he saw disparities in his early experiences in academia. Hayes-Bautista said he felt discouraged to complete research on Latino health because when he was first hired as faculty,…
Read More | March 1, 2021
Matt Barreto, faculty director at the Voting Rights Project, maintains the current system is not fair to the heavily Latino areas in Pasco. “I feel there is a definitely majority Latino district,” he said. “It would require no gerrymandering.”
“Every voter should have an equal right to their mail ballot being counted; however, we know well that Latinos are more likely to have their ballots rejected for signature issues,” said Matt A. Barreto, faculty director of the UCLA Voting Rights Project (Also: The Spokesman-Review and South Seattle Emerald).
“In 2021, we are all exhausted. From a pandemic that has kept us inside and isolated for a year, to a seemingly never ending Presidential and then Senatorial election, we all just want to relax. But the effects of redistricting are not like an election– they will last for the next ten years and have…
Paul Ong at UCLA said basing applications on company size alone won’t address all of these disparities. “I would like to see much more fine-tuning in terms of, how do we prioritize?” Ong said.
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