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The UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute team is devoted to advocating for communities of color across the U.S.
UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute is committed to shaping a new narrative so that Latinos are meaningfully considered in all policymaking conversations.
University of California, Los Angeles researcher David Hayes-Bautista says the lack of coverage prevents many Latinos from seeking out medical care until their conditions have progressed to a dangerous point. “Latinos were coming in, way advanced cases, into the ER,” he said.
Read More | October 30, 2020
“We’ve seen again and again that voters of color are second-tier in the minds of political strategists who favor persuading likely voters. There is not sound data on these voters, making them more costly in the eyes of political operatives,” said Sonja Diaz, the Executive Director of the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute. “It’s a…
Latinos make up 4.4 percent of Pennsylvania voters, according to an analysis conducted by Rodrigo Dominguez Villegas, the research director at UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute, and they’re a little over 7 percent of Pennsylvania’s total population. It’s a substantial enough voting bloc to swing a race that could come down to the wire after…
The University of California, Los Angeles’ Latino Policy and Politics Institute authored a study that showed a nearly 13 percent increase in turnout among voters in the targeted communities who had not voted in the last three elections.
Measure J appears to be one of the few options favoring increased social services funding over direct police reforms. It is the first time something like this has been tried in L.A. County, home to the largest jail system in the country, said Kelly Lytle Hernández, a UCLA professor who has extensively researched L.A.’s criminal justice…
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