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Immigrant Rights

UI Professor: Damage done by immigration policies ‘so tremendous, and so deep, it is mind boggling’

“It’s also important to note that this interlocked relationship between immigration and white  supremacy is not new. Immigration has long been one of the least constitutional and most racist  realms of U.S. law and life. So, if Biden is real about standing up for a U.S. future that is not  defined by white supremacy, he…

“It’s also important to note that this interlocked relationship between immigration and white  supremacy is not new. Immigration has long been one of the least constitutional and most racist 

realms of U.S. law and life. So, if Biden is real about standing up for a U.S. future that is not  defined by white supremacy, he needs to address immigration issues,” says UCLA historian  Kelly Lytle Hernandez