“In downtown Boston it’s made a huge difference in the experience of public space,” Eric Avila, a professor of history and urban planning at UCLA, told The Daily Beast. “Now, when you are in that part of Boston, you’re not standing in the shadow of an elevated interstate freeway, you’re standing in the middle of a green park that’s now reconnecting neighborhoods that were formally separated or divided.”
Eric Avila in Daily Beast: “The Growing Cap and Cover Movement That Wants to Bury American Highways to Undo Racial Inequities”
“In downtown Boston it’s made a huge difference in the experience of public space,” Eric Avila, a professor of history and urban planning at UCLA, told The Daily Beast. “Now, when you are in that part of Boston, you’re not standing in the shadow of an elevated interstate freeway, you’re standing in the middle of a green park that’s now reconnecting neighborhoods that were formally separated or divided.”